Learn from the best
Discover high-quality, affordable learning resources from awesome indie educators
Three.js Journey
Bruno Simon • video courseThe ultimate Three.js course whether you are a beginner or a more advanced developer.
Learn Astro
Chris Pennington • video courseLearn the Astro web framework through a project-based learning approach.
Modern JavaScript Essentials
Chris Ferdinandi • text-based course, video courseA project-based JavaScript workshop for beginners and aspiring developers. Get the skills and confidence to really understand JavaScript and build your own projects from scratch.
Structure & Scale
Chris Ferdinandi • text-based course, video courseLearn patterns and approaches for managing your code. Write JavaScript that's performant, maintainable, and can be easily reused across projects.
Web Apps
Chris Ferdinandi • text-based course, video courseLearn how to build dynamic web applications from start-to-finish. Create interactive UI components, write your own APIs, and add offline support.
Just JavaScript
Dan Abramov • text-based courseJust JavaScript will help you develop a rock-solid understanding of how JavaScript works through intuitive visual explanations and learning challenges.
Grid Critters
Dave Geddes • gameLearn CSS Grid once and for all in the most fun way possible.
Flexbox Zoombies
Dave Geddes • gameMaster flexbox layout.
Service Workies
Dave Geddes • gameLearn Service Workers inside and out with the new game of Service Worker mastery.
The Official React Query Course
Dominik Dorfmeister, Tyler McGinnis • video courseMaster React Query with mystifying ease. Built in collaboration with the React Query core team.
Animations on the Web
Emil Kowalski • video courseLearn how to craft animations that make people feel something.
The Basics
Geoff Graham • video courseDelightfully fun lessons designed to get you from no code to know code.
Modern JavaScript
Tyler McGinnis • video courseLay the foundation for your JavaScript knowledge using the latest features.
JavaScript Concurrency
Gary Bernhardt • interactive coding, text-based courseCallbacks, promises, async/await and event loops.
JavaScript Arrays
Gary Bernhardt • interactive coding, text-based courseSlice, filter, map, reduce, and other array methods.
TypeScript Basics
Gary Bernhardt • interactive coding, text-based courseStatic types and the TypeScript language from the ground up.
Everyday TypeScript
Gary Bernhardt • interactive coding, text-based courseTypeScript types for everyday application development.
Advanced TypeScript
Gary Bernhardt • interactive coding, text-based courseComplex types used in reusable library and framework code.
Python for Programmers
Gary Bernhardt • interactive coding, text-based courseIntroduction to Python, including pitfalls and community conventions.
Regular Expressions
Gary Bernhardt • interactive coding, text-based courseBoundaries, repetition, character sets and classes, wildcards, and more.
Gary Bernhardt • interactive coding, text-based courseThe SQL language from the ground up.
Build Modern Websites with Astro!
James Q Quick • video courseLearn to build modern websites with Astro, the all-in-one framework designed for speed.
CSS for JavaScript Developers
Josh W. Comeau • video courseA comprehensive course that helps you develop deep mastery of CSS. Built specifically for JavaScript developers!
The Joy of React
Josh W. Comeau • video courseThe all-new interactive learning experience that teaches you how to build cool stuff with React.
React Server Components
Kent C. Dodds • tutorialUnderstand React Server Components and Server Actions by building a framework with them.
AI Assistants
Kent C. Dodds • video tutorialArtificial intelligence has taken the web development world by storm, and learning how to use it will be a game-changer in the job market. It's not about replacement; it's about ensuring you're the one with the upper hand by wielding AI assistants effectively.
Deploy Web Applications All Over the World
Kent C. Dodds • video tutorialThis tutorial will show you how to deploy a multi-region Node.js application with a persistent database, ensuring optimal performance no matter where your users are located thanks to Fly.io.
Full Stack Foundations
Kent C. Dodds • workshopThe Full Stack Foundations workshop covers modern web development best practices including Styling, Routing, Data Loading, Forms, SEO, Error Handling, and more!
Professional Web Forms
Kent C. Dodds • workshopThe Professional Web Forms Workshop will equip you for building complex, fully accessible forms that handle validation and file uploads while preventing spam.
Data Modeling Deep Dive
Kent C. Dodds • workshopThe Data Modeling Deep Dive Workshop will teach you best practices for designing database schemas, managing relationships, data mutations, and optimizations.
Authentication Strategies & Implementation
Kent C. Dodds • workshopLearn best practices for managing user sessions, passwords, 2FA, email verification, OAuth, and more in the Authentication Strategies & Implementation Workshop!
Web Application Testing
Kent C. Dodds • workshopLearn how to write tests that cover all of your backend and frontend code. Web Application Testing covers unit testing, E2E, integration testing, and more!
Epic React
Kent C. Dodds • workshopStrap in and take your React applications to the next level.
Testing JavaScript
Kent C. Dodds • workshopLearn the smart, efficient way to test any JavaScript application.
Conquering Responsive Layouts
Kevin Powell • video courseAre you ready to take the challenge and finally figure out responsive layouts? Click the button below and jump in!
CSS Demystified
Kevin Powell • video courseImagine a day where you could write CSS and know exactly what was going to happen. That day is just around the corner.
Flexbox Simplified
Kevin Powell • video courseFlexbox is incredibly powerful, but it can be hard to wrangle at times. We're here to simplify it and have you start using it with confidence.
Beyond CSS
Kevin Powell • video courseBeyond CSS is a course designed to help you use modern CSS and tools like Sass and PostCSS in order to get control of your stylesheets.
Zero to Shipped
Kristijan Ristovski • video courseMaster Fast-Paced Fullstack Development. Finally ship that product.
Kyle Shevlin • video courseLearn `reduce` once and for all.
Testing Accessibility
Marcy Sutton • text-based course, workshopA self-paced workshop designed to teach you the principles and effective patterns of accessibility, from design to deployment.
Better Web Type
Matej Latin • bookBetter web typography for a better web — a web typography book for web designers and developers.
Beginner's TypeScript
Matt Pocock • video tutorialFree interactive video tutorial that will help you get started with TypeScript.
Solving TypeScript Errors
Matt Pocock • video tutorialTypeScript boosts productivity but faces pitfalls like type mismatches, null values, & puzzling errors. Learn to spot & solve these for swift progress.
Matt Pocock • video tutorialZod is a TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library. In this tutorial, Matt Pocock has prepared a set of exercises that will help you level up.
React With TypeScript
Tyler McGinnis • video courseEverything you need to be productive in a React application that uses TypeScript.
Type Transformations
Matt Pocock • workshopLearn to manipulate types for cleaner, maintainable code with over 50 hands-on exercises, from string manipulation to advanced unions and mapped types.
TypeScript Generics
Matt Pocock • workshopMaster TypeScript's generics with exercises from basics to advanced, including conditional types and currying.
Advanced TypeScript Patterns
Matt Pocock • workshopIntermediate to advanced workshop: Boost app logic, type global scopes, and debug with external libraries.
Advanced React with TypeScript
Matt Pocock • workshopExpert-level knowledge for typing your React apps with TypeScript.
Build Fancy Landing Pages with React(-three-fiber) and Threejs
Paul Henschel • video courseThis course teaches you how to add stunning flourishes to your sites with little code and complexity.
Learning D3.js
Philip Davis • video courseLearn how to build unique and interactive visualizations from scratch.
The Road to Next
Robin Wieruch • video courseBecome a Full-Stack Developer with Next.js and React Server Components.
Data Fetching with React Server Components
Ryan Toronto • video courseSee how this exciting new primitive simplifies your data-fetching code.
Advanced Radix UI
Sam Selikoff • video courseBuild rich UI components — without doing any of the boring work.
Ship an App With Remix
Sam Selikoff • video courseLearn this popular React framework by building and deploying your own Work Journal.
Tailwind Mastery
Sam Selikoff • video courseLearn Tailwind CSS from scratch by building a pixel-perfect Discord clone.
Framer Motion Recipes
Sam Selikoff • video courseAdd beautiful animations to your React apps using Framer Motion.
Practical Accessibility
Sara Soueidan • video courseA self-paced, get-right-down-to-it video course designed to demystify web accessibility and equip you with the knowledge you need to confidently create more accessible websites and web applications today.
Typescript for Javascript Developers
Shaundai Person • video courseLearn TypeScript using your JavaScript skills. Get started with TypeScript today!
Animated Background Stripes Effect
Simon Vrachliotis • video tutorialIn this tutorial you'll create an animated stripes effect by building a Tailwind CSS Plugin. categories include CSS Variables, keyframes, context, and more!
Background Split Alignment
Simon Vrachliotis • video tutorialCreate a decorative background-color-split effect that lines up with a foreground card's side and main panels.
Flexible Ribbon Banner with Tailwind CSS
Simon Vrachliotis • video tutorialAn exercise-driven tutorial to learn the highly technical and creative aspects of building flexible Tailwind CSS components.
Fluid Hover Cards with Tailwind CSS
Simon Vrachliotis • video tutorialInspired by a component found on when browsing dji.com, Simon Vrachliotis has developed this tutorial to show you how to build a set of professional-grade cards for displaying content.
Pixel Perfect Figma to Tailwind
Simon Vrachliotis • workshopLearn to implement 'pixel-perfect' designs from Figma with responsive layouts, advanced CSS techniques, and Tailwind v4 migration in this workshop.
Multi-Style Tailwind Components
Simon Vrachliotis • workshopIn this workshop, you'll learn the best way to create & manage multiple Tailwind-powered style variants for your UI components.
Tailwind Multi-Theme Strategy
Simon Vrachliotis • workshopIn this workshop, we’ll explore the best way to support advanced theming beyond just dark mode. Your new superpower will be the ability to bring multi-theme support to any new or existing project using Tailwind CSS.
The Creative HTML5 & CSS3 Course
Simo Edwin • video courseA 12+ hour comprehensive course on learning the basics of html5 and css3 all the way to building 3 fully customized/animated websites from scratch!
The Ultimate JavaScript Animation Course
Simo Edwin • video courseBuild 6 awesome projects to master animation and upgrade your Front End skills.
The Creative React and Redux Course
Simo Edwin • video courseBuild 3 Awesome Web Applications With React!
The Creative Javascript Course
Simo Edwin • video courseLearn JavaScript from beginner to advanced, building web apps and websites!
Ultimate Next.js Fullstack Course
Simo Edwin • video courseLearn to create a full stack e-commerce website with cutting edge tech. From beginner to expert by building a production Grade E-commerce App with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Stripe, Next-Auth, and more!
Learn How To Make a Website with Steph
Stephanie Eckles • video courseGo from zero to website launch - no prior development experience required! Through this series of 4-14 minute videos, you will learn the essentials of web development.
Tyler McGinnis • video courseThe interactive way to master modern React.
Classic React
Tyler McGinnis • video courseStill using Class based React components at work? This is the course for you.
React Router
Tyler McGinnis • video courseWe’ll get you off to the races building complex apps with React Router.
Advanced JavaScript
Tyler McGinnis • video courseTake your JavaScript skills to next level and master the mother language.
Tyler McGinnis • video courseOur course is the complete guide that takes you from zero to TypeScript hero.
Professional CSS
Wesley • video courseThis online CSS course training will upgrade your CSS skill.
Professional JavaScript
Wesley • video courseThis online JavaScript course training will upgrade your JavaScript skill to a professional level.
Professional React & Next.js
Wesley • video courseThis online React & Next.js course training will upgrade your React & Next.js skill to a professional level.
Smart Interface Design Patterns
Vitaly Friedman • video course, workshop100s of real-life examples, 10h-video course for UX designers, with UX checklists and practical takeaways.
Learn JavaScript
Zell Liew • video courseBecome a JavaScript master and be able to build anything you want (from scratch if you have to).
Wes Bos • video courseBuild 30 things with vanilla JS in 30 days with 30 tutorials.
Beginner JavaScript
Wes Bos • video courseA fun, exercise heavy approach to learning Modern JavaScript from scratch.
ES6 for Everyone
Wes Bos • video courseA premium training course to strengthen your core JavaScript skills and master all that ES6 has to offer.
Master Gatsby
Wes Bos • video courseLearn to build modern websites with Gatsby, React, CSS, Headless CMS and Serverless Functions!
React For Beginners
Wes Bos • video courseWant to upgrade your JavaScript skills and learn React.js? Learn how to build websites and web apps in just a couple of afternoons.
Fullstack Advanced React and GraphQL
Wes Bos • video courseBuild Full Stack Applications with React and GraphQL.
What The Flexbox?!
Wes Bos • video courseA simple 20 video course that will help you master CSS Flexbox.
CSS Grid
Wes Bos • video courseLearn all about CSS Grid with Wes Bos in this free video series!
Learn Node
Wes Bos • video courseA premium training course to learn to build apps with Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and friends.